*** The information provided to you in a power hour session pertaining to your health, business, career, or any other aspect of your life is not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. You agree and acknowledge that Alison is not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or religious advice in any way. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have.  No information presented here or in products is intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental illness or condition.

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Shoot us an email and sign up below to be the first to know when new dates/times become available and to get sporadic love notes from Alison!

Don't See a power hour date/time
that works for you?

I'm ready!

This is not intended as a replacement for other forms of mental or physical health, but as a form of helping you get unstuck, a way to see more solutions, and as a tool for a healthier, more powerful perspective. However, if time and schedule allow, after our first Power Hour, if you’d like more, we can make it happen! Let’s see how it goes!

This is not intended as a replacement for other forms of mental or physical health, but as a form of helping you get unstuck, a way to see more solutions, and as a tool for a healthier, more powerful perspective. However, if time and schedule allow, after our first Power Hour, if you’d like more, we can make it happen! Let’s see how it goes!

Can you schedule more than one Power Hour at a time?

" I signed up for a power hour not knowing what to expect. I’m blown away and feel as though my pickax of life struck a diamond when Alison and I began to speak…she is such a kind soul with so much intuition and I truly enjoyed our talk.  I felt as though I had been given the best pep talk of my life and left the conversation feeling renewed and excited. I highly recommend a power hour with Alison. -Emily

YES! Please email us at heygirl@thealisonshow
with any questions about gifting!

Can You gift someone you love a Power Hour with Alison?

I want you to be able to return to the ideas we cover, so in addition to the audio recording of the call, you will be sent a package of 5 of my most popular, easy meditations (perfect for beginners) and pep talks! You can listen to them forever more! 

The meditations & call recording will be emailed to you after our POWER HOUR!

What else is included?

In the past I have not offered one-on-one consulting packages under $2500, or private coaching outside of my monthly membership, Awesome on Demand, HOWEVER, I would like to offer these hours at a hopefully accessible rate, while I can. I have a lot of love to share!

The current power hour rate is $300
but right now I've opened a few slots at $140

How much does a Power Hour cost?


"My Power Hour with Alison was EXACTLY what I needed and I can’t recommend them enough! During our hour together, we were able to uncover some important old truths about myself I needed to confront, as well as identify some shifts I could start to implement right away (and I did!). Schedule a Power Hour with Alison right now. Just do it!" -Melanie

Power Hour sessions are 60 minutes and happen via Zoom. Your session will be recorded and the audio will be sent to you after as well! When you sign up, you will choose a date and time that works best for you and the zoom details will be sent to your email after purchase!! 

How does the Power Hour work?

We can talk about: pursuing your dreams, OR how to handle chaos, in-laws, and family or friend drama OR brass tacks branding and business. Maybe we will talk about how to love and accept yourself unconditionally or how to feel less crappy! Maybe we will touch on all of the above!

The one universal thing we will focus on, is recentering your mindset around a life-affirming reality and perspective. What does THAT mean?

We will sort through any confusion or pain in areas such as:
Spiritual shifts
Physical pain
Emotional discomfort

I can (and have) talked about it all!

We will discover thought patterns or ideas that are keeping you stuck, feeling crappy or keeping you fearful from stepping into your full, glorious potential and PERSONAL power. Then we will take steps to shift your mindset and release those blocks!

And it will be FUN!

What type of topics can be included in your Power Hour?

ANYTHING could happen! What won’t happen, is NOTHING. What will happen is unique to YOU and what you need. 

We can laugh, dance, cry, be silly, scheme, sing, get serious, shimmy, or I can give you a world-class pump up!

What will
happen if
you sign up?

" My Power Hour with Alison was incredible! I was a little starstruck, since I’ve been a fan and follower for several years, but she instantly put me at ease. She answered a lot of tough questions, then dug in deeper to help me find some important answers. The time flew by, and it was full of laughs, advice, and brilliant insights"-Mary

Lets do this!

Holy moly! Life is BANANAS and sometimes it feels like the HITS keep coming, yes? 
Now, I’m not a therapist, and I’m not a cure-all, but I do have years of coaching, consulting and healing experience, and a superpower of seeing the AWESOME in you, even when you can’t see it in yourself! Even when trauma, circumstances or hardships make it almost impossible to see.

This superpower--which also has included 10K hours of work (at least)--also shows up on my top 100 podcast Awesome with Alison, and my internationally published book You’re Already Awesome.

I’ve worked with thousands of people, businesses both big and small, and humans going through times of anxiety, grief, depression and confusion. My approaches to FEELING your awesome and reclaiming the magic, and unique power within yourself, are centered in self-acceptance, humans need psychology, compassion AND my own life experiences with lots of hard crap!

I’ve never had the capacity to offer one-on-one sessions like this before, and I am SO excited to open this offering up for a limited amount of time! 

Why I,
Alison, would
love to share
a Power Hour
with YOU:

I’m so excited!
For the first time ever I am offerING one-on-one coaching!
So lets get together YA YA YA, and take 60 minutes to help you feel a little more awesome and tap into your inner power!



in just an hour!

Reclaim your inner POWER 

I just have a lot of feelings!

Same!! Tune in to my podcast, The Alison Show, and we can feel those feelings  together!